NTTDATA開發virtual office,運用AI即時翻譯及梳理會議紀要
NTTDATA運用人工智慧技術(AI)提升了互聯網“virtual office”的便捷性,並方案於2021年秋天逐漸給予此項新服務專案。該功能可即時翻譯外國語發言內容,並自行將發言內容做成會議紀要。因新冠肺炎疫情的擴散,家居線上辦公越來越更加時興,本次發佈的新服務專案在網路上完成了公司辦公室所具有的有利於互動的自然環境,並增加了僅有遠端控制才可以帶來的作用,進而建立了一種新的工作方式。
AI 人工智能如何影響 SEO 搜尋引擎優化?
AI 是一門必修課 。事實上,我們已經被人工智能所包圍 ,人工智能逐漸滲透到各個領域 。當Google 在2015年推出 Rankbrain 項目時,人工智能已經進入了搜索領域。
Principle and Applications of Air Source Heat Pump
Air thermal energy in the air is a form of renewable energy. Air source heat pump is the main utilization method of air heat. Air source heat pump is an energy-saving equipment and part of the new energy industry. The…
The Video Conferencing Service Is Dealing With Elevated Scrutiny
Eric yuan likes to crack jokes. But lately the boss of zoom, video conference system of coronavirus-fuelled reputation, is in no mood for laughs. His firm, whose proportion fee has surged through 49% since the pinnacle of January, is attempting…